The next time you visit the Lee household be prepared to play some hoops. We love our new basketball court that Mark Berry put in for us. Here are Ritner, Todd, Cookie, Ben and Bryce celebrating Bryce's Birthday.
The process of installing the court was thrilling for the boys(including Bryce). Stage one left us with a giant dirt pile in which to play. We decided to just clear this side area of our yard for the court... well it turns out we are not the best judges of space ... it looks much bigger without the bushes there...
Endless hours of entertainment ...watching the "digger" and hopping in the digger once the workers left for the day were the highlights.

The many perches from which the boys watched the action:

Rosie also enjoyed the dirt
The concrete truck arrives!
The final product has already been enjoyed by many. Braden "shoots hoops" for hours upon hours and the boys love riding their bikes back there. Braden has already drawn the 3 point line and the free-throw line in chalk. (We lower the hoop down for him and he actually can make most of his shots... and Bryce can dunk...)
Nina has pointed out in her creativity that it is really a multi-use space. She has visions of a dance floor, tent, rehearsal dinner spot... Nina's non-sports vision is matched by Ritner's sports vision: a walled in hockey arena, netted batting cage.

The bottom line is that yes, we have paved a good portion of our side yard (leaving the backyard grass for a football/soccer field) and No, we do not anticiapte either of our boys making the NBA ranks, but we do see many fun years ahead!
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