Sunday, June 20, 2010

Our new Basketball Court!

The next time you visit the Lee household be prepared to play some hoops. We love our new basketball court that Mark Berry put in for us. Here are Ritner, Todd, Cookie, Ben and Bryce celebrating Bryce's Birthday.
The process of installing the court was thrilling for the boys(including Bryce). Stage one left us with a giant dirt pile in which to play. We decided to just clear this side area of our yard for the court... well it turns out we are not the best judges of space ... it looks much bigger without the bushes there... Endless hours of entertainment ...watching the "digger" and hopping in the digger once the workers left for the day were the highlights.

The final product has already been enjoyed by many. Braden "shoots hoops" for hours upon hours and the boys love riding their bikes back there. Braden has already drawn the 3 point line and the free-throw line in chalk. (We lower the hoop down for him and he actually can make most of his shots... and Bryce can dunk...)Nina has pointed out in her creativity that it is really a multi-use space. She has visions of a dance floor, tent, rehearsal dinner spot... Nina's non-sports vision is matched by Ritner's sports vision: a walled in hockey arena, netted batting cage.

The bottom line is that yes, we have paved a good portion of our side yard (leaving the backyard grass for a football/soccer field) and No, we do not anticiapte either of our boys making the NBA ranks, but we do see many fun years ahead!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Some videos

Trina and I did program for a women's weekend a couple months ago and the kids became guinea pigs for our skits...

Fun times in the playroom

Friday, June 18, 2010


Coleman had a little trip to the ER last weekend... Bryce and Papa were very impressed that he didn't cry getting the stitches put in (or during the shots to the area before the stitching occurred); he is a tough one. He has already almost healed...

Catching up

I apologize for not updating the blog more often. Sometimes I forget that anyone actually checks this until I start getting the nasty emails about my hiatus. So here are some of the highlights from the last couple months:
We, the Lee family, have officially decided to embrace the new W&M mascot the Griffin. We realize it is not a real animal and that it does not really change anything because we will remain the Tribe, but it could have been worse... Not a ringing endorsement but we have enthusiastically attended the unveiling (and we highlighted in the video) and met the Griffin at the Spring Game. Hark upon the gale...
Braden and Addy attended swim lessons for the first time this spring. I know, I vowed never to pay for swim lessons because I did teach these exact lessons for many summers, but alas teaching Braden to swim without a pool membership before the summer months with a two year old in tow wasn't in the cards.Softball season is up and running yet again; intense "interactions" with umpires, endless rehashing, and hopefully another enormous trophy to use for the Wiffleball World Series. Wouldn't be summer without it.
Congrats to Davis and Kelly! We had a great time in JAX saw so many friends that have moved away from the 'burg. We also got to hear Andy play the cello and get a picture with "the statue." cross that off the bucket list...
Lisa came to visit for a little picnic at the Governor's Palace.
Bingo night at Chick-fil-A. The joy of shouting bingo in the middle of our favorite restaurant...priceless...

This is the scene that often plays out in our living room. Braden sets up the "Baseball Guys" or "Football Guys" and plays a game. The cars are the spectators. Actually Braden sets up baseball and football games with everything: blocks, marbles, and cars can all serve as players if the baseball/football men are not available. We have had many in depth discussions about the different positions, defensive and offiensive schemes, and how each team should celebrate their victories and run out on the field. If only they made "basketball guys" our lives would be complete.

Sometimes you just need an ice cream cone...