Monday, April 05, 2010

Happy Easter

We had a great Easter. I love to celebrate and Easter is such a worthy occasion.
We started our day opening Easter baskets. And yes, the boys are in matching shirts. They ask to match every day, but since most of Coleman's clothes are hand-me-downs from Braden I cannot justify buying more clothes just so they can match. Sooooo most days they have to just color coordinate. Holidays are the special days when they get to match; and they are overjoyed.Then on to our Easter Egg Hunt in the backyard. The boys have enjoyed all the Easter Egg Hunts they have participated in. Braden is focused and competitive, Coleman wants to know what is in each egg he picks.

We loved having the Obie, Ritner, and King families celebrate with us!
Coleman was most interested in the donuts... He works on one donut hole for about an hour; savoring each bite.
If you want to check-in your babies at the Chapel this is the scene that you will encounter. Braden and Coleman have taken over the desk area; they love the computers...
After church we went over to the Chuckney/Anderson river house and had a relaxing afternoon with great food and great fellowship. (Coleman even took a great nap)
Debbie even hid some eggs for Braden and Sophia (Olivia and Coleman slept through the fun)

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