Braden turned 3 on September 18th. Needless to say we threw quite a party; well actually two parties. A family party and a friends party.At the friends party a "Big" firetruck actually came to the house.
Here's a picture of some of Braden's friends and family who made it in time to see the truck:
Firetruck Cake!
Opening gifts with Addy.
Firehats for everyone.
A firetruck pinata.
Coleman enjoyed the party.
Hugs for Addy and Sophia.
Grandpa Dean came for the party: and installed a new dishwasher and garbage disposal...
Deaner, can I get big versions of the addy hugs, ritner family, and whole group truck pic please? Rit
Birthdays are important, but what about TRIBE FOOTBALL??? :-D
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