Bryce enjoyed a fun Father's Day with his boys...
Coleman still has his rapid breathing issues; we're now pretty convinced that it is probably asthma, which runs in Laurie's family, but we're not doctors. He has another appointment on Thursday, but we don't think we will get any sort of diagnosis for a while. He certainly doesn't let his health issues get him down...

Braden continues to adore Coleman. The first thing that Braden asks for when he wakes up in the morning or from a nap is "Where is Coleman?" If we are going to go somewhere he immediately demands "We need to bring Coleman!"
The love of brothers... very sweet...

Coleman loves to sit in the high chair that the Garrisons passed down to us.

Braden continues to adore Coleman. The first thing that Braden asks for when he wakes up in the morning or from a nap is "Where is Coleman?" If we are going to go somewhere he immediately demands "We need to bring Coleman!"
The love of brothers... very sweet...
We should have a great day today.
i love seeing braden loving his little bro
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