Summertime activities here in Williamsburg.
Blueberry Picking with the Ritners. We could have just riden the ferry back and forth and called it a day. (more ferry pictures on the ritner's blog
The kids loved picking and filling their basket, they even did amazingly well picking only the ripe ones. They were quick and enthusiastic ... I see now why they have child labor laws... 

Picking more blueberries then we could ever possibly eat means blueberry cake, blueberry muffins, and blueberries straight up...

Our garden actually produced vegetables. Here are our ribbon worthy zucchinni squash. We picked all of these in the same day... many zucchini recipes were developed...
Fun dinners at picnic tables...
Braden swims... not exactly Michael Phelps, but we are still working on him. He would rather just play basketball or football in the pool, so this is actually a pretty big accomplishment.
We loved this fun water slide at the pool!