Braden loves playing the piano and singing with Mumba

Mumba got Braden and Collin matching PJs...

Aunt Miss got Braden a new Curious George... now named "Big G". Braden now enjoys hugging "Big G" and "Little G".

The video didn't upload all the way on the last post so here is the dancing by Braden and Addy...
Braden wanted to be included in the card game.
Playing in the park with Dada.
Watching football on the couch...
We also took a family trip to the Oceanfront to see the Christmas lights. Of course, Mumba required that we all go in the same car so she ended up in the trunk of the Expedition. Needless to say Papa, Big Papa, Nana, Braden, and Ma were the only ones with comfortable seats. The rest of us were cramped in the way back...